
Zanrai Interactive, LLC

(Company Press Kit)

Based in Dallas, Texas, USA

Release Date

Coming Soon






Press Email

As a colonial mercenary, pilot a soul-powered combat mech as you blast your way through collapsing colonies and crumbling space elevators to prevent a pro-Earth terrorist conspiracy. Shoot. Survive. Ascend.

Game Description

VISEGUNNE is a non-bullet-hell shoot ’em up where explosive action unfolds around you: cities are leveled, space colonies collapse, and orbital structures crumble catastrophically. Between missions, interact with your squad to uncover secrets about a post-apocalyptic Earth, visit shops to upgrade your arsenal, or customize your machine’s look in the garage. Each mission offers intuitive controls and scalable difficulty settings, welcoming both newcomers and seasoned veterans alike. Set in an era where the human soul is harnessed as a power source, join the DIVINITY SPACE DEFENSE CORPORATION’s elite mercenaries to confront pro-Earth terrorists threatening the fragile peace of space. With a charismatic cast of characters, a killer soundtrack, and screen-melting effects, VISEGUNNE is a thrilling modern homage to retro action games.

The game is currently in development for PC and is available for wishlisting on Steam.


  • Non-bullet-hell action inspired by classic shoot ’em ups
  • Intense single-player, story-driven adventure with epic narrative elements and a unique cast of characters
  • Over-the-top visual effects and massive set-piece explosions
  • Authentic retro style featuring meticulously crafted pixel art
  • Carefully choreographed enemy waves, bosses, and environment set-pieces
  • Battle massive bosses each with their own personality and tactics
  • The DUAL MULTIPLIER scoring system incentivizes balanced weapon use and improvisation. Make a few kills then match your multipliers for a bonus.

  • Diverse environments ranging from collapsing orbital colonies to lush forest airbases and hostile desert wastelands
  • Over 20 unique weapons to steal from enemies and upgrade at a shop, each with game-changing strategies and attack styles
  • Over 70 collectible paint schemes to customize your machine’s look
  • Pumping soundtrack with over 2 hours of original music featuring an unapologetic old-school flair inspired by CD-ROM era action-game music of the late 1980s and early 1990s

Game Story Premise

When scientists discover evidence of the human soul, long dormant divides among the nations of Earth erupt into global war. Colonists residing off-world avoid the bloodshed, but live in fear that the planet’s conflicts might soon spill into space. With no formal military of their own, each colony resorts to employing mercenaries and privateers for their protection. The most influential of these firms is the DIVINITY SPACE DEFENSE CORPORATION, utilizing top-secret war machines capable of harnessing a user’s spirit as an endless source of energy. These SOUL-CAPABLE combat vehicles are unmatched in battle and after a century of this order, DIVINITY has grown to dominate colonial affairs, effectively quarantining Earth’s wars and its toxic politics to the planet’s surface. Earth sympathizers are routinely hunted down.

But now, a new wave of pro-Earth fanatics threaten the peace of space, demanding an end to DIVINITY’s policy of segregation. Spurred on by the illegal broadcasts of an enigmatic android holy-man known as Kourosh, these dissidents have seized control of a colony and are demanding an end to DIVINITY’s blockade of the planet. As SOUL-CAPABLE pilot End Visegunne, your squad’s mission is to eliminate these terrorists, dismantle their network of co-conspirators, and return peace to the colonies.


Announcement Trailer (Youtube)



Animated GIFs

Promotional Art

Game Logo (High-Resolution)

Game Logo (Pixel Art)

About Zanrai Interactive LLC

Based in Dallas, Texas, Zanrai Interactive is a two-man outfit comprised of Jason Koohi and Simon Inch. Initially founded as a music, voice-over, and audio contractor by Jason Koohi in 2010, the company now focuses on creating compelling, stylized action-game experiences. The team previously released Stardust Vanguards, a local four-player arcade shmup-brawler for PC and PS4 in 2015.

Need more information?
Additional company information, previous projects, and media are available on our Company Press Kit.

Dev Team Members

Jason Koohi

Founder, Director, Designer, Artist, FX, Musician, Voice


Twitter : @zanrai_int



Simon Inch

Programmer, Designer


Twitter: @excelynx

Press Releases (Archive)

(2024-July-XX) – Announcing VISEGUNNE: A Narrative-Driven, Mecha Shoot ‘Em Up